Customer Success Tips For Agencies and App Resellers

Customer service is the lifeblood of any agency. Products and services aside, the key to long-term and fruitful relationships starts with client relations. Customer success tips for agencies go beyond just answering the phone promptly when your clients call. It’s about taking a holistic approach throughout each stage of the customer cycle.

From pitching services to lead nurturing and upselling, every element of your business must keep client happiness at the forefront. 

If you own an agency or white label reseller company, this guide will walk you through app reseller tips. 

This resource on customer success tips for agencies is intended for everyone. Whether you’ve been in business for decades or just starting a reseller program for the first time, these tips and best practices will help you generate more money by providing excellent customer service. 

Listen and Learn

It sounds simple and obvious, but you’d be surprised how many agencies lack proper listening skills. Too many agencies make the mistake of pitching a product or service without understanding the clients’ needs.

You’re not a mindreader. Don’t try to become one. 

Give your clients and prospects the opportunity to tell you about their problems. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to provide them with real benefits.

If you’re using the same exact pitch, products, upsells, and communication for each client, you’ll have high churn rates and lower conversions. 

I’ve consulted with some agencies that literally copy and paste emails from one client to another, only replacing the contact’s name. While that strategy might be easier, it’s not productive. 

According to the Salesforce State of Sales Report, listening has the most significant impact on converting a prospect into a customer. 

Customer Success Tips For Agencies

That’s not all. I recently discovered a study from that analyzed 25,537 agency sales calls. All of the research about listening was astonishing.

The study concluded that the top closers listened 57% of the time during the average call. On the flip side, the bottom 20% of closers listened during just 34% of a call.

In short, the longer a sales representative talked, the lower their conversion rates were. But talking less and listening more yielded stronger results. 


If you don’t stop and listen, you won’t learn anything about your customers. You’ll end up talking about things that are irrelevant to the prospect. This will quickly turn into them losing interest in what you’re saying.

But by giving prospects the opportunity to talk about their needs, wants, and concerns, you’ll be able to address those points directly. In doing so, your words become much more powerful.

Listening is a crucial component of customer success tips for agencies.

Here’s a simple example.

Let’s say your agency has four main product offerings. We’ll call them services A, B, C, and D. During a call, email, or consultation, you might be inclined to spend an equal amount of time discussing all four services. 

For a 60 minute consultation, you allocate 10 minutes to introductions and small talk, another 10 minutes for questions, and the remaining 40 split between the services; 10 minutes each.

However, service B is the only thing that’s actually relevant to the client or prospect. So you’re wasting half of the session discussing services they don’t need or want. 

Instead, you could spend 10 or 15 minutes listening to the client about their needs and pain points. Then spend the remainder of the time covering service B in complete detail. You won’t even need to mention A, C, or D. 

Your agency doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There are external factors that are seemingly changing by the day, especially in the world of technology.

So if you’re operating with blinders on, you’ll struggle with meeting the changing needs of your customers. This statement holds true for new prospects as well as current clients. 

Trends agencies need to follow.

There are lots of different trends that you need to keep up with. For starters, these are the three that you need to focus on the most.

  • Client industry trends
  • Agency trends
  • Technology trends

If you work with clients in multiple industries, you need to keep up with the latest developments in each one. For example, let’s say you have customers in that own restaurants, gyms, and dry cleaners. All of these industries are very different from one another. A gym owner won’t have the same needs as a dry cleaner.

Next, you’ll need to focus on different trends in your own industry. Right now, white-label app reseller programs have been growing in popularity in the agency world.

Every agency must keep up with the latest technology trends. No matter what type of agency you have or what industry your clients fall into, this has to be at the top of your list.

Why? It’s the only way to deliver your clients the best services. For example, let’s say your clients want to establish a mobile presence

These statistics prove that building a mobile app is the greatest way to achieve this. But if you’re not following the latest trends, you might spend more time focusing on your clients’ mobile website.

Sure, that might have been a priority ten years ago. But today, app development supersedes the mobile web. 

Where can you find the most recent trends? Subscribe to the BuildFire blog. We’re constantly coming up with updates for agencies and resellers. Check out some of our latest guides on mobile commerce trends and app development trends

If you don’t keep up with the latest trends, several things can go wrong.

For starters, you won’t be delivering acceptable results to your clients. This can ruin the relationship, as well as your agency’s reputation. 

Other clients will be sharper than others. They follow the latest trends as well. Let’s continue with the mobile app vs. mobile web example. If your client wants to attract more mobile customers and you come back to them without mentioning app development, you’ll lose the client. 

Finally, staying up to date with industry trends will give your agency an edge over the competition. You’ll learn to equip yourself with the latest tools and technology to meet the needs of your customers.

For example, once you learn that your clients need mobile apps, you must find a way to provide that service to them. 

The easiest way to do that is becoming a mobile app reseller. Delivering new technology to your clients is one of the important customer success tips for agencies. 

Prioritize Communication

Similar to listening, effective communication seems like something that should be obvious. Yet so many agencies fall short in this category.

From what I’ve seen, agencies trend to communicate with clients the most during the early stages of a project, and then fade out towards the end. Prospects get follow-up calls and emails on a regular basis, but long-term clients lack that personal touch. 

Here’s what happens. You spend so much time trying to close new leads and turn those prospects into paying customers. Why stop?

Yes, I understand you want to get out there and start selling to other prospects. But those new sales are useless if your existing clients keep churning. 

You’re wasting time, money, and resources signing new agency clients if they don’t re-sign after their first contract. Don’t let that recurring revenue slip away from you. Sometimes an extra five minutes per week can make or break your relationship with an agency client.

Take a look at the most important attributes of customer success tips for agencies. 

Four of the top seven responses are related to communication, including the number one answer.

Communication must be a top priority all of the time. If you’re just prioritizing this at the beginning, and right before contract renewals, it won’t be enough. 

I don’t want to generalize or make assumptions, but I’m just speaking from personal experience here. To me, it seems like most agencies make the mistake of thinking that no news is good news.

If my clients were unhappy or needed something, they would let me know. I don’t need to reach out to them and check-in.

This mentality will lose clients. In fact, just 4% of unsatisfied clients actually complain. 

Most people are either too nice, too busy or just don’t want to deal with any confrontation. They’ve already budgeted for the current contract. So they’ll just choose not to renew instead of complaining halfway through. 

This relates back to one of our previous agency success tips about listening. That tactic isn’t just for the initial sales process. Give your clients a chance to speak their minds all of the time. 

Agency communication tips.

I’m not saying you need to speak to your clients every day (although certain projects to require that level of commitment). But if it’s been a week or two since you’ve heard anything, consider sending an email similar to this one:

Hey [Client Name],

It’s been a couple of weeks since we last spoke. Just wanted to follow up with you to see how everything is going.

We’re continuing to make significant progress on [Project XYZ]. Are you happy with the results we sent over last month?

Let me know your thoughts! No rush. 

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

Obviously, the content of the message will vary based on your relationship and status with each client. But I think you get the point in terms of tone and delivery. 

If you’re running ahead of schedule or falling behind, let your clients know. Let’s say you’re three months into a six months project. Something goes wrong, and you realize that you won’t have it completed on time.

Rather than waiting until the last minute, communicate this update to your clients immediately. In most cases, they’ll understand. But they won’t be happy if six months pass without hearing a word, and the project is late. 

Offer New Services

Adapt or die. If your agency can’t continue to offer new services, you’ll quickly start to lose your clients. Why?

Lots of agency services tend to be short term. Once the project is complete, or the problem has been solved, clients don’t have a reason to re-sign their contracts. 

Here’s a visual representation of how to come up with new agency services

This relates back to what we talked about earlier in terms of listening to your clients and learning about their needs. 

Cumulatively, you can track the common needs of all clients. If you see a pattern, it’s a good indication that the new service will be successful. 

Next, understand that your agency has limits. Not everyone has the capability to introduce every new service under the sun. That won’t automatically lead to success either. 

Look at services that are easy to implement and manage. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. If the new service isn’t feasible, then it won’t be profitable either. 

It’s easy to increase agency profits with a white label app reseller program. If you use the diagram above, I’m sure you’ll see that this fits every category.

  • Your clients want new technology.
  • Prospects and clients need to improve mobile penetration.
  • Any agency can become a reseller.

The beauty of a reseller program is that anyone can do it. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or a larger agency with dozens of employees, this type of program is easy to implement. 

That’s because everything is already done for you. It’s not like you’re building new software from scratch. You’re simply taking a platform and putting your name on it. 

I know what some of you are thinking. You’ve never developed an app, and you don’t know how to code. No problem. Neither of those skills is required to become a reseller. 

The investment is minimal, which is feasible for agencies in all industries. By adding a new service to your current list of offerings, it will attract new customers and give your existing clients a reason to keep working with you for the long term.

Follow Through With Promises

Falling short with your deliverables is not a sustainable way to operate your agency. You’ll lose clients and develop a poor reputation if this becomes a habit. 

Things happen. Everyone makes mistakes at times. You won’t have a perfect record, and I’m not expecting you to. 

But there are definitely steps you can take to reduce the chances of failing to deliver.

According to a recent study from Sprout Social, these are the biggest pain points for agencies.

pain points

Managing client expectations ranked first in this survey. I’m assuming that you can relate to this problem.

Some clients think that agencies are miracle workers. They sign an agency, and all of their troubles will disappear. Conversions will triple, revenue will quadruple, and customers will be lining up around the block for years to come. 

While some of these business owners don’t have a good sense of reality, others get this fairytale image during an agency pitch.

Agencies are over-promising and under-delivering. 

It’s much easier to follow through with promises if you set realistic expectations from the beginning. I’d rather under-promise and overdeliver. That makes you look better than the opposite. Here’s an example:

Let’s say your agency specializes in SEO for small business websites. Don’t promise your clients the number one organic position on Google within three months. Don’t say, “we’ll double your traffic in a week.” Realistically, neither of these are going to happen. 

Instead, tell them that your average customer increases organic traffic by 20% within six months. This becomes the client’s expectation. So if you achieve this in four months or reach 50% in six months, it makes your agency look even better for exceeding the initial promise.

Here’s another example. Let’s say your agency has a mobile app reseller program.

Telling your clients that they can build an app in a month might get you to close the deal. But that’s more than likely a promise you can’t keep. Giving them a realistic time frame from the get-go makes it easier to follow through.

Leverage the Right Tools and Technology

To keep up with the growing demands of your client base, agencies must adapt and use tools to their advantage. Technology can be used for such a wide range of purposes.

Look into software for automating manual tasks. Consider updating any old technology before it becomes obsolete. 

These are the top factors that agencies use the most when evaluating new business tools. 

I tend to focus on tools that improve efficiency. New technology can be used for in-house purposes, as well as for client offerings. 

Like most of the elements in this guide, an app reseller program fits the bill in nearly every response on this list. 

  • Direct impact on business objectives
  • Improves new business productivity
  • Value on effort for the cost
  • Ability to customize
  • Proven to work for other agencies

That last bullet point is a major point of emphasis. You definitely want to make sure that any technology you’re considering has actually benefited other agencies. 

Check out this case study on King Concepts. The story goes into detail about the success of their white label reseller program. It’s the definition of customer success for agencies.

Let me give you a couple of quick analogies about the importance of new technology.

20 years ago, businesses were still sending individual emails to customers. Tools for marketing automation changed that. Imagine trying to help a company with SEO without a keyword planner? Technology made this easier for agencies. 

Mobile app development is the technology of today and for the future. Agencies that fail to adapt will struggle in the coming years. 

Focus on Problem Solving

Why should a business hire your agency?

This is not a rhetorical question. It’s easy to get lost in your agency offerings and lose sight of problem-solving.

I speak to dozens of agency owners throughout the year. When we’re talking about business, most of them usually just list their services. “We do social media marketing, content creation, email marketing, SEO, web development, etc.”

But none of those are reasons why a business should hire you. This is:

“We improve mobile conversions and reduce operational costs for small business owners.”

This is obviously just one example. But you can clearly see the difference between this statement and the previous one that just lists services. Your services alone do not solve problems. 

The solution is to recreate your value proposition

A value proposition is not a company slogan or mission statement. It’s also not a list of your services.

By definition, a value prop is a way to attract clients to your agency. But the only way to do this correctly is by focusing on problem-solving. The two terms work together hand-in-hand.


Excellent customer service doesn’t happen overnight. An agency must make customer success part of their company culture. 

The concept of customer success goes beyond signing a new prospect. It needs to continue throughout the entire lifetime of your relationship with the client.

Your agency has to stay up to date with the latest technology, tools, and trends. 

In doing so, you’ll be able to meet the demands of B2B clients in the modern era. Everything is heading toward mobile. Agencies that can accommodate their clients’ needs will have great success in the coming years.

That’s why becoming a mobile app reseller is such an effective agency strategy. It’s easy to implement, cost-effective, and results-driven. 

For more app reseller tips, tools, and best practices related to agencies, subscribe to the BuildFire blog. You’ll be among the first to know when we publish new and relevant content for agencies.

15 Refreshing Marketing Ideas For Shopify Apps

A new ecommerce mobile app is one of the best ways to drive sales for your Shopify store. Mobile apps convert higher than the mobile web, so generating sales from your app won’t be a problem. But the app will only have success if customers actually download it.

That’s why ecommerce mobile app marketing needs to be a top priority for your Shopify store. 

Whether your app is already complete, in development, or still in the pre-development planning stages, you need to start brainstorming marketing ideas for your Shopify app today. 

Marketing a mobile app for ecommerce isn’t necessarily the same as promoting a traditional product or service. You need to take a unique approach to this process.

I’ve personally overseen the launch for dozens of ecommerce apps. It’s abundantly clear which ecommerce sites were prepared with marketing ideas for their Shopify app. 

After learning from the success and the mistakes of others, I want to pass my knowledge to you. Use this guide to learn how to implement the best mobile app marketing tactics for ecommerce.

1. Build Hype Early

If you wait until launch day to promote your new ecommerce mobile app, it’s too late. You need to start promoting the app as early as possible, even if it’s with something as simple as a “coming soon” page.

Even if you haven’t started development yet, the sooner you can get exposure for your app, the more successful it will be. 

If you review the top reasons why you need an ecommerce mobile app, you’ll quickly learn that mobile commerce is trending upward, and consumers prefer to shop from apps. 

Promoting the app as early as possible builds anticipation in the minds of your customers. This is an age-old psychological marketing strategy. When the app finally launches, they’ll be ready to download it and start shopping immediately. 

Just avoid publicizing a firm launch date until the app is actually complete. So if you’re starting to build your app in March, don’t start running promotions saying the app will be live in June.

Things happen during the development process that are sometimes out of your control. You don’t want to promise an app and not deliver, or worse, rush through development to meet a deadline that results in performance issues. 

2. Leverage Your Website For App Promotion

It sounds simple, but it’s shocking how many websites don’t have a direct download link for their app. Even more surprising, some ecommerce businesses don’t have any mention of their app at all on the website.

You just went through all of the effort to build a mobile commerce app. Don’t let those efforts go to waste by failing to promote it on your biggest platform.

Shopify owners make the mistake of thinking that customers will go to great lengths to find their app. But that’s simply not the case. You need to make this process as easy as possible for them.

Here’s a great example from the H&M website.

mobile app ecommerce marketing

H&M has a global presence. It’s always a good idea to follow the lead of companies that succeeded before you.

The menu on this ecommerce site has a direct link to download the app for both iOS and Android. 

Just saying “we have a mobile app” on your site isn’t enough. It forces customers to take extra steps to search for your Shopify app in the app store. Each additional step reduces your chances of getting a download.

But think about how much traffic your Shopify site gets each day, week, or month. Imagine if just 5% or 10% of that traffic downloaded the app. That’s how you get thousands of downloads at a time.

3. Showcase Your App in Confirmation Emails

You want to promote your app through distribution platforms that have the most exposure. So take advantage of your email list.

The best emails for mobile app promotion are confirmation messages. That’s because confirmation emails outperform every other type of marketing email.

value of receipt emails

As you can see from the graph, a confirmation email has higher open rates, click-through rates, and viewing time. They also generate the highest revenue per email sent. 

These are the type of confirmation messages that should include a promotion for your Shopify app:

  • New subscriber confirmation
  • Order confirmation
  • Shipping confirmation
  • Delivery confirmation

Each app promotion can have a slightly different angle, depending on the content of the message.

For example, “use the app for faster ordering” works well for an order confirmation message. But you could use something like “track shipping status directly in the app” for both shipping and delivery emails.

Here’s another reason why this mobile app ecommerce marketing idea is so useful; you’re targeting customers who are already interested in your brand. These are people who either signed up for email promotions or just purchased something from your Shopify store. This makes them the most likely candidates to download your ecommerce mobile app.

4. Offer an Incentive For Downloads

Why should someone download your new ecommerce app?

No, this is not a rhetorical question. You actually need to tell people why the app will benefit them personally. 

According to our app download and usage statistics page, the average person has between 60 and 90 apps installed on their device. However, 77% of time is spent on just three apps. 75% of apps are used once and then never used again.

Consumers know this. They aren’t going to download another app to clutter their phones unless they are given a good reason. 

Monetary incentives usually get the job done. You could offer something along the lines of 20% off the first purchase using the app. If you really want to make sure the app continues getting used, consider extending that discount for the first 30 days after installation. 

Target has a dedicated landing page on its ecommerce site to promote the app. 

all in one place

The page highlights some of the top features of the app, which gives users even more of an incentive to download it. Any feature, benefit, or advantage that adds value or makes the customer’s life easier needs to be mentioned when you’re marketing your Shopify mobile app. 

5. Look For Guest Posting Opportunities

Does your Shopify site have a blog? If so, you’re already on the right track to increase the exposure for your brand and app.

But only publishing blogs on your website limits the exposure to an audience that already knows who you are. While you can still use your blog for mobile app ecommerce marketing, the readers likely know about it already. 

Guest blogging allows you to increase the exposure of your app to an entirely new audience. You just need to find the right opportunities. 

Use Google search strings as a resource for finding these opportunities.

  • “Keyword” + “write for us”
  • “Keyword” + “guest blog”
  • “Keyword” + “guest post guidelines”

These are just a few examples of what you can search for. The benefits of guest blogging are tremendous and will help you drive Shopify sales with a mobile app.

Just make sure it’s not overly promotional. Most websites allow guest authors to include a handful of links to their website and other pages. So rather than promoting your app directly, simply include a download link embedded within the content. 

6. Use Influencer Marketing to Your Advantage

Influencer marketing and guest blogging have similar benefits, in the sense that you’re getting exposed to a new audience. The difference between the two is that you’ll likely have to pay for an influencer to promote your app.

With that said, this mobile app ecommerce marketing strategy delivers strong results and high returns.

According to a recent study, 28% of online marketing managers named influencer marketing the fastest-growing customer acquisition strategy. 

online customer acquisition

As you can see from the graph, this response ranked first on the list. Furthermore, 67% of brands say they plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets in the next 12 months. 

The reason why influencer marketing is so effective is because consumers trust these people.

You don’t need to work with professional athletes, singers, or famous actors to have success with this strategy. Instead, you can partner micro-influencers with a strong reach within your niche. This is also much more cost-effective.

Check out these statistics about the rates for micro-influencers:

  • Instagram post — 84% charge less than $250
  • Facebook post — 90% charge less than $250
  • Blog post — 87% charge less than $500
  • Twitter post — 90% charge less than $150

These rates are very reasonable. In some instances, you could develop influencer relationships without having to pay for anything. Try offering free merchandise in exchange for a post about your ecommerce mobile app. 

7. Use SEO Best Practices

We live in a world that’s completely driven by SEO. Every marketing campaign, including mobile app ecommerce marketing promotions, needs to be developed with SEO in mind.

Earlier I explained the importance of using your website as a promotional tool for your Shopify app. That strategy is useless if people aren’t actually visiting your site. 

93% of all website experiences start with a search engine. 

Take a moment to put yourself in the shoes of a current or prospective app user. If you want to do something online, where do you find it? Personally, I rarely go directly to a website. I almost always start with a Google search.

If you can apply SEO best practices to your app landing page and top-performing pages promoting your new ecommerce mobile app, it will drive traffic to those pages. As a result, this traffic increase will ultimately boost your Shopify app downloads as well. 

8. Create an In-App Referral Program

One of my favorite ways to market an ecommerce app is by letting your existing app users do all of the work for you. All you need to do is set up a referral program and let the rest take care of itself.

The best in-app referral programs are simple and straightforward. 

Using the “give $20, get $20” model is an excellent example of how to set this up. Allow app users to invite their friends to download the app in exchange for $20 per referral. The referred user gets $20 off of their first purchase, and the customer who referred them gets a $20 account credit once that transaction happens.

This mobile app ecommerce marketing strategy gives your current users an incentive to invite as many people as possible. If just five of their friends make a purchase, they can get $100 in credits. 

Another reason why I love this strategy is because referred customers are the best types of customers to have. 

referred customers

Furthermore, everyone trusts a referral. 92% of consumers say they trust a recommendation that comes from someone they know. 

If my friend, sibling, coworker, or cousin sends me a referral to download an app, I’ll probably download it. Other people have the same mentality. 

For those of you who are in a position where you’re comfortable giving away store credit for a download, it’s a great way to get downloads from people who will actually buy something from your new Shopify mobile app. 

9. Improve Discovery with ASO (App Store Optimization)

In addition to SEO, you also need to prioritize ASO. 

You want to make sure that your app is easily discoverable when a user searches for relevant keywords on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. 

While app store optimization isn’t the most exciting mobile app ecommerce marketing strategy, it’s a necessity. 

ASO best practices vary, depending on whether or not your app is available on iOS or Android. Let’s say you’ve previously built a Shopify app for Apple users, and now you’re thinking of developing one for Android. Don’t assume that those same ASO tactics will work on the Google Play Store.

I could write for days on how to implement proper ASO techniques for mobile app ecommerce marketing. But it will be easier (for both of us) if you check out these helpful guides instead:

Remember, you can always subscribe to the BuildFire blog to be the first to know when we release helpful guides for your ecommerce mobile app.

10. Run a Contest or Giveaway Promotion

Contests, giveaways, and other promotions are a great way to get people excited about downloading your Shopify app. That’s why it’s one of my favorite app marketing ideas for ecommerce.

This relates back to one of our previous ideas about giving people an incentive to download the app. But a giveaway has additional benefits, which is why it deserves its own mention.

I’d recommend a “download, share, and win” promotion via social media. Instagram is the best place to run a contest since engagement rates are so high compared to regular posts. 

instagram engagement


Here’s how it works.

To participate, users need to download your app, share it on their profile, and tag your company for a chance to win whatever you’re giving away. You can choose the parameters for the prize and how many winners you’re going to select.

Always include a deadline in these types of promotions. This creates a sense of urgency and gets people to start participating immediately. 

In addition to the initial users who download the app to participate in the promotion, other people will also be exposed to your Shopify app as well. Anyone who follows users participating will see the post. It’s essentially free marketing for your ecommerce app. 

I love this strategy because it combines the advantages of offering incentives, influencer marketing, and referrals into one campaign. 

11. Leverage Free Distribution Platforms

This piggybacks off of my last point. It’s always going to be in your best interest to find as many free app marketing ideas as possible. 

User acquisition doesn’t need to cost a fortune. Just enhance your presence on popular social media channels. Hopefully, you already have a profile set up on the following platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Twitter

Research your target audience to see what platforms they’re using the most. That’s what you should be prioritizing. 

If your Shopify app sells products intended for younger generations, you can even consider setting up accounts on Snapchat and TikTok. I definitely missed the boat on those platforms (I’m getting old). But if my customers were on there, I’d make sure to use them as promotional channels for my Shopify app.

12. Facebook Ads

While free app marketing is obviously ideal, there’s nothing wrong with paying for ads if it’s in your budget. This is especially true for Shopify store owners who don’t have a strong presence on social media yet.

If you have a new ecommerce app and haven’t established your brand name, you’ll be pretty limited in terms of social media reach with a few hundred or a few thousand followers.

I prefer using Facebook ads because it gives you the opportunity to target certain people. It’s the best way to reach your audience.

Facebook even has specific ad campaign objectives for driving app installs.

facebook ads

The steps are simple:

  • Pick an objective
  • Choose your audience
  • Decide where your ad is run (can be on Instagram too)
  • Choose a format
  • Set your budget

You’ll get detailed reports to measure the results of your ads as well. This is the perfect way to know if your campaigns are actually driving app downloads. 

13. Geofencing PPC with Google Ads

For those of you who have physical brick-and-mortar store locations, in addition to your Shopify site and ecommerce app, geofencing with Google PPC is definitely something you should consider.

This Google Ads tool allows you to target customers in a specific area. This can be based on neighborhoods, zip codes, or areas near your store.

So if a customer walks by your shop or into one of your stores, it will trigger an ad for them when they visit a website in the Google advertising network. 

You can take advantage of this app marketing idea, even if you don’t have a physical store presence. 

For example, let’s say your Shopify mobile app sells bathing suits, shorts, sandals, and other warm-weather apparel. It wouldn’t make sense to run ads targeting people in New York City or Chicago during the winter. But southern California, Miami, and Hawaii are perfect locations to target year-round.

14. Create a Customer Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs encourage your existing customers to spend more money. 

By integrating a loyalty program into your Shopify app, it becomes an indirect promotion of the app and its benefits. Here’s why.

For a customer to receive rewards, they must be logged into their customer profile. But this is a hassle when shopping from a computer or mobile device. The customer will either check out as a guest or just ignore the loyalty benefits. 

The app will make it easier for users to track and receive the benefits associated with the program. They’ll know exactly how many rewards they’ve earned for the month, year, or given time frame.

15. Encourage and Promote App Reviews

App reviews and ratings can impact ASO, which is something that we previously talked about. But beyond app store optimization, you can highlight the top app reviews on your website and social media platforms. 

Think of it the same way as a product review or testimonial on your Shopify site. Those reviews motivate people to buy. Well, an app review will persuade people to download. 

The only way that this works is if you’re getting app reviews in the first place. Most people won’t go out of their way to write a review unless they had a really good or really poor experience. But 90% of users will fall somewhere in the middle.

So it’s up to you to find ways to encourage Shopify app reviews. Incentives and popups are usually enough to get the job done.


Mobile marketing for ecommerce is crucial to the success of your app. 

Coming up with creative marketing ideas for a Shopify app is the best way to get your name out there and drive downloads. Otherwise, nobody will know that your app even exists. 

I realize that implementing 15 tactics for your new ecommerce mobile app might be a bit overwhelming. But you don’t need to use all of these at once. You can pick and choose which strategies to start with based on the status of your app.

A Shopify app that’s still in development will need a different marketing approach than an ecommerce app that launched two years ago.

Regardless of your situation, make sure you subscribe to the BuildFire blog. We’ll provide all of the tips, tricks, and ecommerce app tools you need to make sure your Shopify app is successful.

How to Secure Profitable Small Business Clients For Your Agency

Running an agency is exciting, especially when you’re landing profitable agency clients. The opportunities are seemingly limitless, and virtually every small business owner is a prospect.

Whether you’re a marketer, web designer, developer, white label reseller, or freelancer, there is definitely no shortage of opportunity for your agency in today’s business environment. 

Ironically, the vast opportunity has actually created some profitability problems for agency owners and operators. They aren’t having problems getting new clients, but they’re struggling to find profitable agency clients.

This is a major concern. On some levels, I could argue that an unprofitable agency client is worse than not signing a client altogether. 

Many agencies don’t recognize their profitability problems until it’s too late. Before you know it, you’re three months into a 12-month contract with a client that you’re barely breaking even with. This is not a sustainable business model.

I’ve worked directly with dozens of agencies in my career. Surprisingly, the majority of them didn’t have an answer for how to secure profitable agency clients when I first started consulting with them. But the agencies that had a method for securing profitable agency clients have been ultra-successful, which has inspired me to write this guide.

After learning exactly what it takes to land a profitable small business agency client, I want to pass my knowledge and experience to you. 

It doesn’t matter what type of agency services you provide, any agency owner working with small business clients can benefit from the tips and best practices covered in this guide. 

Qualify Your Leads

It’s tempting to work with every business that has a need for your services. But being a bit more selective is one of the best ways to improve your agency’s profitability. 

You might ultimately sign fewer clients, but the prospects that end up converting will be much better for your business. 

Lots of agencies do have some type of lead qualification process. However, most of that is based on whether or not the client actually needs the services being offered. But in terms of profitability, you need to take those qualification factors one step further. 

For example, let’s say you’re a web designer or a developer. There’s a big difference between a single person looking to start a personal blog and a small business owner that wants to improve their online presence. 

Sure, each prospect is a potential lead, but one definitely has more profitability opportunities than the other. 

The best way to qualify profitable small business agency clients is with the “BANT” approach. 


It’s easy to qualify prospects using these criteria on a lead generation form or through an initial discovery call.

Don’t leave the budget form field open-ended. Instead, let your leads select an option within a range. For example:

  • $2,500 – $5,000 per month
  • $5,000 – $10,000 per month
  • $10,000 – $15,000 per month
  • $20,000+ per month

Small business owners with a budget of $1,000 won’t fill out the form, and you won’t waste your time with a potentially unprofitable agency client. (Note: These numbers are just hypothetical. $1,000 might very well be profitable for your agency). 

Then simply ask the lead to state their position within the organization (CTO, CEO, Director of Marketing, etc.). 

While it’s obviously in your best interest to get as much information on a lead generation form as possible, I prefer getting the “need” details during a follow-up. This allows you to get a better understanding of the “timing” aspect and essentially kill two birds with one stone. Here’s why.

Let’s say a small business CEO with a budget of $5,000 to $10,000 per month fills out a lead generation form on your website. You follow up immediately with a phone call and email. 

If that person doesn’t get back to you for a month, you just got your answer related to the timing. The project isn’t a priority for this person, and it may not be profitable for you to pursue at this time.

But if the lead is engaged right away and eager to proceed, you know that the project is high on their priority list. 

According to a recent study from HubSpot, the biggest challenge in sales prospecting right now is getting a response.

Profitable Agency Clients

Rather than stressing and wasting valuable resources hunting down leads that aren’t in a rush to proceed, you can focus your efforts on the ones who are. This lead qualification strategy will ultimately help your agency secure profitable agency clients. 

Expand Your Services

Another reason why some agencies struggle with securing profitable small business agency clients is because the services they offer are simply not very profitable. This is especially true for labor-intensive tasks and services. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting that you abandon your existing offerings. But by expanding to new services that have higher profit margins, you can make up for the difference in low-margin services.

I suggest adding on services that are hands-off and low-maintenance. These will deliver the highest profit margins.

For example, let’s say your agency currently provides content and SEO solutions for small business clients.

There aren’t any shortcuts to success here. Content actually needs to be created. Real results need to be delivered by you and your team. Whether it’s blog posts, landing pages, video content, or emails, someone has to do the work. 

At times, this type of agency work can be tedious and deliver low profits. 

But if you become a white label app reseller, your agency can benefit from high profits with very little manual labor. 

All you need to do is pay the for the app reseller platform, and upcharge your clients whatever rate delivers your desirable margins. You’re simply re-branding your agency’s name on a platform that already exists, and delivering those benefits to your small business clients. 

Expanding your service offerings will also make your agency more attractive to small business clients. 

For example, let’s say you have a marketing agency. According to a 2020 study, just 6% of small business owners outsource their marketing needs. 

Small Business Marketing

That’s such a small portion of the market that’s actually interested in your services. An even smaller percentage will fall within your qualification standards, as previously discussed. 

So you need to find other ways to attract small business clients to your agency.

Small business owners have enough on their plate as it is. They aren’t interested in working with two or three different agencies for various services. It’s much easier for them to find a one-stop-shop for all of their needs.

Your agency needs to keep its finger on the pulse. 

The goals and mindset of a small business owner in 2020 are very different from those back in 2015. So if you’re still using an outdated formula, it will be challenging to secure the most profitable small business agency clients. 

Staying informed about industry trends will also keep you one step ahead of your competitors. On the flip side, ignoring new trends will give your competitors an edge over your agency. 

I’d recommend following agency trends, small business trends, as well as any niche-specific trends for businesses that you work with. For example, your agency might specialize in ecommerce, law firms, or healthcare. 

Regardless of your industry, you’ll quickly learn that all mobile trends are on the rise. These are two helpful resources to educate you on the latest mobile movements and tendencies. You should review the mobile app development trends of 2020 and the mobile commerce trends that will dominate 2020. 

Here at BuildFire, we want your agency to have the tools you need to be successful. So we’re always coming out with new guides and the latest research to keep you informed.

Following the trends isn’t something you do once a year and forget about it. This will always be an ongoing process to further your knowledge. The more you know about your small business prospects’ wants and needs, the easier it will be to secure profitable agency clients. 

According to a recent study, 42% of small businesses currently have a mobile app. 

Small Business Mobile Apps

30% have plans to develop one in the future. The remaining 28% will surely adapt sooner or later as well.

This is a tremendous opportunity for agencies. If you can offer mobile app development services to small business clients, you’ll quickly benefit from high-profit margins. 

Here’s the thing. Your clients need an app. If they don’t get it from you, then they’ll find someone else to help them build it. Since apps are in such high demand right now, it’s a service that your agency can charge a premium to provide. 

Upsell Your Existing Clients

I see so many agencies struggle with profitability because they’re continually focusing on customer acquisition. 

Obviously, your agency needs new customers to survive. If your new to the game and just getting started, this will definitely be a top priority for you.

But that’s not the case for agencies that are well-established. Even if your profit margins are slim, you can make more money without getting new clients. Just look at your existing customers and find ways to provide them with new services. 

If you’ve had success helping your clients with one service, they’ll be inclined to listen to you when you offer them something else. 

You need to understand that small businesses don’t have infinite budgets. So they might be hesitant to use all of your services from day one. You may have five or ten different offerings, but a client might just start with one.

That doesn’t mean that you’ll never get them to use your other services. Just give it time some and work on your upsell strategies. 

Acquiring new customers is costly, which will eat into your profit margins. 

Obviously, keeping costs low is one of the best ways to remain profitable. Focusing on upselling your current clientele will be an ideal way to accomplish this.

Furthermore, you have about a 20% chance of selling a service to a new prospect. But your agency has a 70% chance of getting an existing customer to buy. 

So if you can’t get your small business clients to buy your most profitable services from the beginning, don’t panic. You’ll still have plenty of opportunities to upsell them in the future. Take the time to get to know their business so you can offer exactly what they need. It might be three, six, or even 12 months down the road. But if you’re persistent, the client will buy. 

Prioritize Long Term Services

Providing more services will help your agency focus on client retention. Increasing retention rates by just 5% can boost profits by up to 95%. 

The most valuable agency services are long term. 

If you’re doing tasks that only take a month to complete and don’t require any further assistance, you’re going to be spending too much money on acquisition. As we previously discussed, that’s not a sustainable way to operate. 

For example, let’s say your agency specializes in small business web design. It’s unlikely that the business owner will want to change the design of the website on a regular basis. 

They might need some slight adjustments from time to time, but for the most part, once the design is complete, the client won’t have a need for your services anymore. 

To maximize your profits, you need to think of big picture solutions. What is something that your clients need that you can provide them with for years to come?

Mobile app development is the perfect example. We already talked about the massive opportunity in this space for agencies targeting small businesses. App development projects can take six or even 12 months to complete. 

Once the app is built and launched, the client will still need ongoing maintenance and updates. These services will last for the lifetime of the app, which will be years.

Even if you’re not a developer and don’t know how to code, you can become a white label reseller and allow your clients to create an app on their own using an app builder. It’s both a low maintenance and high margin offering for you, and it can result in securing clients for life. 

Check out this case study to learn how a real agency boosted its profits with an app reseller program. Your agency can have the same success in this space.

Master the Pitch

Your agency services might be outstanding; I have no doubts about that. Unfortunately, the quality of your offerings is irrelevant if you can’t convey that message to your clients.

This holds true for new prospects as well as your existing customers that you want to upsell.

The very first thing you need to do is make sure you’re addressing the right person. If you’re not pitching the company’s decision-maker, it’s going to be a waste of your time and resources. In most cases, the owner will have the final say for small businesses. 

Next, you need to make sure that your pitch is actually solving a problem. Don’t be generic here. Each business will have different needs, so the pitch has to be unique.

Here’s an overview of the top challenges for small businesses in the US.

Business Challenges

This is another reason why you have a significant advantage if you’re pitching a service to an existing client. Once you establish a relationship with this client, you’ll have a much better understanding of their needs. 

For example, after working with a client for three or six months, you might realize that they have a serious problem with internal communications.

You can take this information and pitch a workforce app to increase engagement with their remote employees. 

Or maybe your client is struggling with ecommerce sales or customer loyalty. You can explain how a mobile app will address both of those concerns simultaneously. 

Be prepared to walk your clients through the steps and timeline of any new proposal. Put emphasis on the value the new offering provides, and explain how it will give them an edge over the competition. 

Mastering an agency service pitch isn’t easy. It will take time and practice before it’s perfect. Just don’t take any shortcuts and try using the same pitch for each client. You’ll have a higher success rate if you do the research for each small business ahead of time. 

Analyze Your Pricing Strategy

It sounds simple, but a pricing adjustment could give your agency a significant profitability boost.

Where did you get prices from? If you just pulled numbers out of thin air, then it’s unlikely that you picked a winning price point. Some agencies will set their prices based on the market, and price themselves right around the competition. But this is another mistake that can crush profits.

Two agencies could have the exact same services at the exact same price. One of them could be operating at a 50% profit margin, and the other could be working at a 10% loss. 

Before you can even consider setting your prices, you need to know your breakeven point, which could be significantly higher or significantly lower than your competitors.

I’d recommend offering custom pricing to your small business clients. Give each client a unique quote based on their needs. While this process is a bit more involved, it ensures that you’re always operating with high margins. 

This gives you the opportunity to analyze your break-even point for each project, so you can set your rates accordingly. 


Learning how to secure profitable agency clients for your agency isn’t as complicated as you might think. Whether your agency is brand new or well-established, you can follow the tips and best practices that I’ve outlined in this guide.

You might have noticed a common theme here.

Arguably the biggest key to profitability for an agency targeting small businesses can be summed up in just a couple of phrases:

  • Low maintenance
  • High margins

If you can achieve both of these with a service that’s in high demand, your agency will have great success in this space. That’s why becoming a white label app reseller is so appealing. 

You don’t need to have any experience in development to get started with this. Just simply rebrand an existing app builder as your own through a white label program. 

This gives you the ability to offer more to your clients while allowing you to set your own profit margins. It’s a win-win solution for everyone.Â